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Should You Eat Before Skydiving? What to Eat Before Skydiving & When

Can you eat before skydiving? Definitely – eating before skydiving (and any extreme sport or physical activity) is a necessity! Imagine gearing up for your first jump, heart racing, adrenaline sky-rocketing, and … stomach growling? Mmmm, not exactly the vibe we’re going for! Eating before a jump isn’t just to keep your hunger at bay, it’s about fueling your body for the ultimate adventure: a skydive.

How Do I Prepare My Body for Skydiving?

Knowing what to do and what not to do before skydiving is important. Preparation is key! Start with a well-balanced (and light) meal! Of course, do some light stretching, practice breathing exercises, and put your mind at ease with some pre-jump research, but do not overlook eating. Food gives our bodies the energy to stay alert and focused, and it keeps our blood sugar in check. This means no mid-skydive wooziness or fatigue (which would be super lame). 

Let’s dive into why a well-timed, well-planned meal is your best pre-jump companion!

Eating Before Skydiving: When? 

How many hours before skydiving should I eat? Good question. While at the dropzone, you may see seasoned jumpers having a bite mere minutes before a jump – please don’t do this. They are accustomed to the demands of the sport, and they know what their bodies can handle. As a first-timer, this will be a learning curve, so take it slow! 

Eating one to two hours before skydiving is a good rule of thumb. 

This gives your body the ideal amount of time to digest and convert that food into energy without leaving you feeling sluggish. Are we suggesting you eat five Whoppers and a 32 oz milkshake an hour before your jump? Please, no. We are advising you to eat a modest serving of what you normally would. 

Is your next question: Should you have breakfast before skydiving? We figured. And the answer is a resounding YESSS! If your jump is in the morning, make it something portioned and easy!

Eating Before Skydiving: What? 

What should you eat before skydiving? This is, of course, more personal, but we’ll give you some popular options. Keeping it moderate and neutral is the name of the game. Our aim is to eat food that keeps us satiated, but doesn’t take a million years to digest, leaving you feeling weighed down. Great options are: 

  • Oatmeal
  • Granola bars
  • Sandwiches 
  • Fruit 
  • Smoothies 
  • Anything your body is used to – keep sensible portions in mind! 

Foods To Avoid Before Skydiving 

We could list a few things to not do before a jump, but to stay on topic, don’t eat anything your body doesn’t like – duh! Don’t like the texture of oatmeal? Don’t force it down! That will surely make you feel sickly, not ready to seize the day.

SO, when staring into your fridge and thinking: “What should I eat before skydiving?” Please avoid the following prior to a skydive: 

  • Super greasy foods 
  • Anything that leaves you feeling like you’re in a food coma 
  • Excessive caffeine – this can mess with your stomach and whack out your heart rate. We promise you’ll be excited enough jumping from a freakin’ airplane!

Skydiving Hydration: What To Drink 

First, let’s address what not to drink before your skydive: alcohol. Not only is drinking alcohol illegal eight hours or less before a jump, but it sets you up for failure. It’s a widely accepted suggestion to not consume alcohol within 12 or more hours of a skydive, as it still has potential to delay your reaction time or mess with your coordination, AND, it probably won’t make your tummy feel very happy. 

DO drink good, ol’ H20! Water on the day of your skydive is your best friend. If “plain” water isn’t your jam, feel free to spice it up with flavor packets or whatever you like, or snag some sports drinks that have electrolytes. 

At the minimum, dehydration can cause headaches, slight dizziness, and fatigue. On the flip side, it can really impair your cognitive function and leave you feeling nauseous, which is what we’re trying to avoid here! 

Insider tip: Drinking from a straw can inadvertently cause you to drink more. Skydivers commonly say to one another, “Hydrate or diedrate.” And we mean it – don’t be the latter!



Sample Pre-Jump Meal Prep 

Here’s an example of a great way to eat some nutrient-dense foods on the day of your skydive! Let’s say your arrival time to the dropzone is 4pm. 

8:00: Breakfast. 

Eat up! There’s still plenty of time before you jump, have a big smoothie, yogurt with granola, a few eggs, or anything you’re sure will settle well. 

11:00: Snack. 

Now’s the time to fuel up again (and remember to be hydrating!). Grab a granola bar or two, some fruit, or something filling like beef jerky. 

2:00: Linner. 

This is a late lunch/early dinner situation. Now’s the time to have a sensible sandwich, a wrap, maybe a salad – whatever works for you! 

On your way to the dropzone, and while waiting for your turn, feel free to snack on some fruit, veggies, granola bars, or crackers. We’d suggest stopping about an hour out from your jump to let everything settle in time! 

If food just isn’t jiving with you (pre-jump nerves are normal), try drinking something – like a protein drink or smoothie – and slowly munching on something neutral, like crackers or toast. The important thing is to not have a totally empty stomach!

Is Getting Sick Skydiving Common? 

Nope! We know you’re probably searching “can you eat before skydiving” because you’re worried you’ll see it again. Fear not! Getting sick while skydiving is a rarity, and there are three things we can do to mitigate, or even prevent it altogether: 

  • Eat as we suggested! Get something on your stomach, it will help it stay settled.
  • Stay hydrated! Water is your best pal on jump day – take care of yourself <3
  • Communicate! Letting your instructor know you’re prone to motion sickness will help us help you. Skydiving instructors are professionals and are able to fly the parachute in an aggressive manner (which is loved by many) or a docile way. It’s up to you, but we can only help you if you voice your preferences and concerns.


Ready for your full-send into the great, blue sky?
Book your skydive today! And as always, please feel free to reach out to us with any further questions or concerns. Blue skies!

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